Triglycerides are the type of fat present in foods and in the human body. The body of a human being takes the fat content from the foods they eat and stores it as triglycerides; which’s certainly found in the fat cells. The liver of a human generally uses triglycerides to produce cholesterol. Hence, more the triglycerides you’ve, the higher is your cholesterol level. However, the VLDL (Bad Cholesterol) in the blood is basically used to count the triglyceride levels. In short and simple words, the triglycerides make the bad cholesterol; therefore you should keep it low!
In fact, the outcomes of higher cholesterol level are almost known to everyone. However, triglycerides are the blood fat; which the doctors have named as the “Ugly Cholesterol”. Even, a certain amount of triglycerides is required for the functioning of your body; but the excess amount is stored as fat. Moreover, researchers have observed that triglycerides can enhance the risk of heart disease. Apart from all this, you should know how to reduce triglycerides naturally in your body. Here’s a list of naturally grown foods to help you lower triglycerides:
Olive Oil
Butter and margarine are the triglycerides in a tube or a stick form. In fact, coconut, palm oil has a higher extent of fat; which will consequently raise triglyceride levels. If you’ll add monounsaturated fats like olive oil and walnut oil, they will reduce triglycerides for sure!
High fiber foods like legumes and beans usually lower triglycerides by minimizing the digestion rate and making your body ready to absorb the increasing amount of nutrients. On the top of that, high fiber foods are helpful in replacing the high fat and sugary food; which basically enhance the triglycerides. They will make you feel full longer and help you in avoiding unhealthy foods. Besides, other high fiber legumes like lentils and peas are also good for your health; but beans stay top among all the available choices for protein and fiber.
Spinach has higher content of alpha-lipoic acid; which can lower triglycerides up to 60 percent. Other alpha-lipoic rich vegetables include peas, tomatoes, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Some fruits have higher alpha-lipoic acid, like oranges, grapefruit, limes and lemons. But spinach ranked at the best to reduce triglyceride levels.
Cold water fishes like tuna, salmon and cod, have omega-3 fatty acids; that will help to lower triglycerides. Among all these, salmon has the most triglyceride-lowering ability. If you don’t consider an intake of fish, the fish oil supplements can lower triglyceride levels.
Eating sugary foods and candy can enhance triglyceride levels; but eating sweet grapes can lower them subsequently. Grapes have a certain amount of pterostilbene; which’s a compound acting same like ciprofibrate, a commercial product that lowers triglycerides. Even, blueberries contain higher concentrations of triglyceride-lowering compound as well.
If you want to consider a non pharmacological approach to reduce triglycerides, you can find in-depth information at Triglycerides Reduction Formula’s a proven and excellent alternative to lower down higher triglyceride levels. With the help of Triglycerides Reduction Formula, your triglyceride level can be minimized in a few months.