Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Top 5 Foods To Minimize Triglyceride Level In Human Body

Triglycerides are the type of fat present in foods and in the human body. The body of a human being takes the fat content from the foods they eat and stores it as triglycerides; which’s certainly found in the fat cells. The liver of a human generally uses triglycerides to produce cholesterol. Hence, more the triglycerides you’ve, the higher is your cholesterol level. However, the VLDL (Bad Cholesterol) in the blood is basically used to count the triglyceride levels. In short and simple words, the triglycerides make the bad cholesterol; therefore you should keep it low! 

In fact, the outcomes of higher cholesterol level are almost known to everyone. However, triglycerides are the blood fat; which the doctors have named as the “Ugly Cholesterol”. Even, a certain amount of triglycerides is required for the functioning of your body; but the excess amount is stored as fat. Moreover, researchers have observed that triglycerides can enhance the risk of heart disease. Apart from all this, you should know how to reduce triglycerides naturally in your body. Here’s a list of naturally grown foods to help you lower triglycerides:

Olive Oil

Butter and margarine are the triglycerides in a tube or a stick form. In fact, coconut, palm oil has a higher extent of fat; which will consequently raise triglyceride levels. If you’ll add monounsaturated fats like olive oil and walnut oil, they will reduce triglycerides for sure! 


High fiber foods like legumes and beans usually lower triglycerides by minimizing the digestion rate and making your body ready to absorb the increasing amount of nutrients. On the top of that, high fiber foods are helpful in replacing the high fat and sugary food; which basically enhance the triglycerides. They will make you feel full longer and help you in avoiding unhealthy foods. Besides, other high fiber legumes like lentils and peas are also good for your health; but beans stay top among all the available choices for protein and fiber.


Spinach has higher content of alpha-lipoic acid; which can lower triglycerides up to 60 percent. Other alpha-lipoic rich vegetables include peas, tomatoes, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Some fruits have higher alpha-lipoic acid, like oranges, grapefruit, limes and lemons. But spinach ranked at the best to reduce triglyceride levels. 


Cold water fishes like tuna, salmon and cod, have omega-3 fatty acids; that will help to lower triglycerides. Among all these, salmon has the most triglyceride-lowering ability. If you don’t consider an intake of fish, the fish oil supplements can lower triglyceride levels. 


Eating sugary foods and candy can enhance triglyceride levels; but eating sweet grapes can lower them subsequently. Grapes have a certain amount of pterostilbene; which’s a compound acting same like ciprofibrate, a commercial product that lowers triglycerides. Even, blueberries contain higher concentrations of triglyceride-lowering compound as well. 

If you want to consider a non pharmacological approach to reduce triglycerides, you can find in-depth information at Triglycerides Reduction Formula’s a proven and excellent alternative to lower down higher triglyceride levels. With the help of Triglycerides Reduction Formula, your triglyceride level can be minimized in a few months.

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Friday, 13 October 2017

Natural Ways to Lower Your High Triglycerides

Do you know higher Triglycerides in Body can cause damage to heart and kidney?  After you eat, your body converts the calories that you don't need into triglycerides and stores them in your fat cells to be used for energy later. You may need triglycerides to supply your body with energy, but having too many triglycerides in your blood can increase your risk of heart and kidney disease. High Triglycerides may raise the risk of coronary artery disease, especially in women. A common test called a lipid profile blood test can measure your triglycerides level along with your cholesterol and the normal triglyceride levels are below 150 Milligrams per deciliter.So how to reduce Triglycerides?

Modifications in lifestyle can prove to be very effective in lowering blood triglyceride levels and are often considered as the preliminary treatment for High Triglycerides levels.

What are triglycerides?

Triglycerides are lipid compounds composed of glycerol esterified to 3 fatty acid chains of saturated or unsaturated and chemical composition. Reduce Triglycerides level can reduce the high-risk factor of heart disease and High Triglycerides may cause bad cholesterol and diabetes.

  • Triglycerides are the main form of fat in the body developed and being stored in your hips or belly due to these things:
  • Relatively huge molecules of fat may exist is inside our food that we eat every day.
  • Triglycerides are the remaining end product of digesting and breaking down of bulky fats.
  • Any extra food we eat that's not utilized is kept in form of fat is chemically converted into triglycerides.
  • Triglycerides are bind together into a gel kind of globules and are transported through our blood.
  • The triglycerides are the better source of energy during lack of diet.

Lifestyle changes and self-care steps have been proved to be effective in Reduce Triglycerides levels.  

Some of these as mentioned here:

  • When you eat more calories than your body needs, the excess calories turn into triglycerides and stored in fat cells.
  • Weight loss is an effective way to lower your blood triglyceride levels.
  • More sugar/Alcohol in your diet can turn into triglycerides that may lead to developing blood triglyceride levels, so less sugar intake is recommended
  • Extra carbohydrate in your diet can create greater drops in blood High Triglycerides level and stored in fat cells.
  • Additional fiber intake in your diet can decrease the fat and sugar absorption in your small intestine, helping Reduce Triglycerides in your blood
  • Physical exercise can increase levels of good cholesterol in your blood, and good cholesterol always helps to Reduce Triglycerides in blood.
  • Trans fats are commonly found in commercially processed fried and baked foods made with partially hydrogenated oils can increase the artificial trans fats level and can also increase your blood High Triglycerides levels
  • Monounsaturated fats are found in foods like olive oil, nuts, and avocados. Polyunsaturated fats are present in vegetable oils and fatty fish. Taking these healthy fats can Reduce Triglycerides level in blood.
  • Tree nuts provide a concentrated quantity of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats that work together to Reduce Triglycerides.

High levels of triglycerides circulating in the blood can cause life-threatening cardiovascular problems and are becoming an epidemic. You must try reducing the Triglycerides naturally with drug-free nutritional supplements and avoid the risk of heart attack or kidney failures. 

Conclusion – 

TGs Formulaa registered holistic nutritionist with over twenty years' experience in promoting the non-pharmacological, nutritional approach to solve minor to major Hypertriglyceridemia. We are helping many of our customers in lowering elevated blood triglycerides using unique renowned formulae of TGs Formula a naturopathic supplement to Reduce Triglycerides. Know more about the TGs Formula product and High Triglycerides remedies at

Friday, 11 August 2017

How to Reduce Triglycerides without Medication?

Are you looking for some effective ways to reduce triglycerides? Then read on this post!
Normally triglycerides are known as a type of fat that circulates in the blood stream. But high triglycerides can contribute some unwanted circumstances like hardening of the arteries, increasing the risk of stroke, heart disease or heart attack. 

How are the triglycerides formed?

After you eat a meal or snack, your body breaks down the fats in the food by packaging them with protein and cholesterol and dumps them into the bloodstream. Any time you eat, the calories that are not used up right away are converted into triglycerides and stored in the body’s fat cells. Whenever you need energy, the triglycerides are released from the fat cells. But, if regularly you eat too many calories like sugar and refined carbs, then it may lead to high triglycerides in your blood. 

How can you know your triglycerides levels?

A blood test should be done to know your triglyceride levels, like:

1. Normal Triglycerides Level: Less than 150 mg/dL
2. Borderline-High Triglycerides Level: 150 to 199 mg/dL
3. High Triglycerides Level: 200 to 499 mg/dL
4. Very High Triglycerides Level: 500 mg/dL or higher 

Here are some effective ways of reducing high triglycerides without medication:

1.       Weight Loss:

If you have elevated triglycerides level and overweight, the consider losing some weight to be healthy. Usually, when you take more calories than the requirement of your body turns extra calories into triglycerides, which results in increasing their level. For which, it is good to lose some weight in an effective way. It is believed that losing 5 to 10 percent of your body weight can reduce your triglycerides level by about 20%. Make sure to maintain a healthy body weight. 

2.      Cut Down on your Sugar Intake:

You should know that excess intake of sugar can also increase the triglycerides level. It is found that individuals whose added sugar intake is less than 10% of daily calories have the lowest triglyceride levels. Be aware that the sweets, soft drinks, and fruit juice have hidden sugar levels. Make sure you reduce the sugar intake and enjoy normal triglycerides levels. 

3.      Increase Intake of Fiber Rich Diet:

Eating high fiber diet instead of refined carbohydrates and sugary food can help in lowering the triglycerides levels. Fruits, green vegetables, seed, nuts, cereals, and legumes are considered as high fiber food. 

4.      Regular Exercise:

Regular exercise can decrease your triglycerides level. You can indulge in aerobic exercise, jogging, walking, swimming and bicycling to get the best results. It is believed that doing moderate intensity exercise for 120 minutes on a regular basis can lead to lowering the high triglycerides levels.  
Drug and sedatives are not right solution of lowering triglycerides level! Everyone must try to reduce triglycerides without drugs and to know how; visit today the website-! Here you will know how to lower your high triglycerides without drugs. Browse through our website today to get the most effective way to bring your triglycerides down in a natural way with TGs Reduction Formula.  

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Bringing down High Triglycerides Good for Your Heart

It has been demonstrated that high blood triglycerides increment the danger of coronary illness.

Do you know what triglycerides are?

Triglycerides, a sort of fat (lipid) found in your circulation system, is for the most part utilized by the body for vitality. However, when the level of your blood triglycerides is high – an indication of metabolic disorder – you have an expanded danger of a coronary illness. Overabundance sugars in your day by day consume less calories bringing about hoisted triglycerides can likewise build your danger of diabetes and stroke.

Arrangement of triglycerides levels.

Typical Level: When your triglycerides are under 150 milligrams for each deciliter or 1.7 millimoles per liter then the level of triglycerides is thought to be ordinary.

Close to abnormal state: When your triglyceride levels are in the vicinity of 150 and 199 mg/dl.

Abnormal state: When your triglycerides levels are 200 and 499 mg/dl.

High Level: When your triglycerides are 500 mg/dl or more.

Reasons for High Triglycerides:

Here’s are the conditions that trigger high blood triglycerides:



Underactive thyroid.

Abstain from food high in starches (sugars).

General liquor utilization.

Methods for Lowering High Triglycerides:

Getting more fit:

With a low-sugar eating regimen and general exercise, you can effectively get in shape, in this way, bring down the level of blood triglycerides. Staying away from high-sugar refreshments and fusing more green, verdant vegetables and low-sweet organic products will help in weight reduction and enhance your heart wellbeing.

Having Foods High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Fish, for example, salmon, sardines, lake trout and tuna fish are rich in omega-3 unsaturated fats, help to lower high blood triglycerides.

Restrict Alcohol Consumption and Avoid Smoking:

Contemplates have demonstrated even a little measure of liquor brings about expanding triglycerides. Likewise stopping smoking accomplishes great heart wellbeing.

Non-pharmacological Approach:

At, you can discover inside and out data on the non-pharmacological way to deal with hoisted blood lipids. It is a demonstrated and successful method for conveying high triglycerides down to solid level. With help of Triglycerides Reduction Formula it should be possible in a couple of months.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

High Triglycerides Causes and Impacts on Our Health

Are you keeping an eye on your cholesterol and blood pressure level? If yes, then you should also monitor your triglycerides. Having a high level of triglycerides in the blood can increase your risk of a heart disease. However, there are some simple lifestyle choices that will help you bring the elevated levels of triglycerides down to normal and improve your cardiovascular health.

What are Triglycerides -

Triglycerides are simply fats (lipids) circulating in the blood. Our body converts excess calories into triglycerides and stores them in fat cells. When needed they are being released for energy, especially in between meals. So, if you eat often and more than you can burn, carbohydrates in particular, you may have higher level of blood triglycerides.

What Causes High Triglycerides -
  • Uncontrolled of poorly controlled diabetes.
  • Underactive thyroid.
  • Obesity.
  • Overeating.
  • Alcohol consumption.
How do You Lower High Triglycerides -

If you want to lower your higher level of triglycerides, you need to change your lifestyle, especially the eating habits, and follow them on a daily basis.
    • Lose weight.
    • Be active.
    • Limit alcohol intake.
    • Stop smoking.
    • Minimize sugar consumption.
For more information on the causes, effects, and remedies to lower high blood triglycerides with no drugs, you may visit

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Avoid High Levels Of Triglycerides With TGs Formula

If you are keeping eyes on your cholesterol and blood pressure levels, then there is something more important; that you might require to monitor on a daily basis, like your triglycerides. However, if you will have a high level of triglycerides, then you will be likely to increase the risk of heart disease.
            High Triglycerides
What Exactly Triglycerides Are
Triglycerides are nothing but a type of fat (Lipid) present in your blood. In general, triglycerides are stored in the fat cells of the human body. Hormones release triglycerides for obtaining energy between meals. If you will eat more calories, especially easy calories like carbohydrates and fats than you burn, then you might get high level of triglycerides.
Why Do Triglycerides Matter A Lot
Well, high triglycerides often increase the risks of heart diseases and strokes as well, including obesity and metabolic syndrome (A cluster of health conditions like too much fat around the waistline, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high cholesterol levels).
What’s The Best Way To Avoid High Triglycerides
In fact, the best way to lower triglycerides is to take a non-drug approach to high triglycerides, TGs Formula II. It’s a finest quality natural, safe health supplement; which is based on the essential nutritional principles. For years, it has been used as the safe, efficient and cost-effective remedy for high triglycerides. As TGs Formula has highly nutritious ingredients, so it has the ultimate ability to help your body in following activities:

High Triglycerides
  • Minimize the blood triglycerides
  • Enhance good quality cholesterol, HDL
  • Reduce bad cholesterol like LDL from your body
  • Retain and maintain the enzymatic and biochemical activities of fat metabolism
  • Prevent the liver against the increasing amount of fatty acids
  • Enhance the ratio of unsaturated fatty acids to the saturated fatty acid in the blood.
Remember one important thing, that TGs Formula II not only checks the body fat levels; but assists in rebuilding the organs and systems; which regulates the blood lipids without offering any side effect. Therefore, it’s commonly known as body-friendly natural supplement for high triglycerides.
Where Do You Find TGs Formula for High Triglycerides provides TGs Formula for high triglycerides to maintain a healthy lifestyle without any side effect. Our TGs Formula II is the perfect nutritional health supplement; which can help you optimize the level of blood lipid. It’s highly recommended for following reasons:
  • Make the increasing blood triglycerides less to obtain a healthy lifestyle
  • Maintain the good cholesterol level in a healthy range
  • Enhance the blood viscosity
  • Increase the rate of blood circulation
  • Support the cardiovascular functionality of the human body
Place an order of TGs Formula II for high triglycerides and know its benefits! More in-depth information on this unique nutritional supplement can be found at: