Monday, 14 September 2015

How to Avoid Blood Triglycerides

Besides monitoring your cholesterol and blood pressure, you should keep an eye on your blood triglycerides. When elevated, they increase significantly your risk of a heart disease or stroke. 

Triglycerides Defined 
Simpy put, triglycerides are fats (lipids) circulating in the blood.  Their levels are strictly related to the diet, especially to the carbohydrate intake. In other words, the more carbohydrates (sugars, in short) you eat, the more triglycerides are present in your circulatory system. As soon as they reach a high, unhealthy level, the gradual damage to the blood vessels is being initiated.Obesity and metabolic syndrome are the most common medical conditions associated with elevated blood triglycererids.

How to Avoid High Triglycerides

Although it sounds simplistic, the best way to lower triglycerides and maintain their healthy levels reason is the diet. In more difficult to control and complex cases, it can be supported by specialty nutritional supplements, TGs Formula II  being one of them.

TGs Fomula IIAt A Glance

TGs Formula II, a safe and effective, and most importantly, a non-drug approach to hypertriglyceridemia, is also a cost-effective remedy for bringinghigh triglycerides down to healthy levels. Among many other health benefits, it helps:
  • Increase the levels of “good” HDL-cholesterol.
  • Reduce the levels of “bad” LDL- cholesterol.
  • Optimize fat metabolism.
  •  Improve the ratio of unsaturated fatty acids to the saturated fatty acid in the blood.
What makes TGs Formula II so special is that itsupports  the organs and systems responsible for maintaining healthy blood lipids. For best results, it should be combined with a healthy lifestyle and increased physical activity.

More in-depth information on this unique nutritional supplement can be found at: