Saturday, 27 September 2014

Special Dietary Plan to Lose Weight Effectively

Gaining weight is not a hard task for everyone, but loosing that is the most difficult part. Overweight comes with serious diseases like different Heart illness and Stroke, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Osteoarthritis, Cancer, Ulcers, Gallstones etc.. It ruins your health, smartness, quickness and shortens your life. Kill your hunger, take medicines, do exercise, there are several ways available to lose weight, but controlling your diet is the most effective one. Here are the top dietary rules which you have to bear during your hard time of weight loss.

Ø  Take sugar and starches as less as you can in your food. They stimulate the secretion of insulin which is the main reason of fat storage in your body.

Ø  Avoid alcohol and smoking. It increases uric acid level and leads your body to less water retention.

Ø  Drink 10-15 glass water every day. It will boost your metabolism and remove the unwanted cholesterol. 

Ø  Don’t eat dairy products like cheese, butter, cream, yoghurt etc. much.

Ø  Eat less and sleep more. Research says that less sleep and late night sleep results in weight gain.

Ø  Start your day with something rich in protein and less in fat like a bowl of oat with lots of green veggies and a glass of fresh orange or pineapple juice.

Ø  If you are doing exercise then take 1 glass of water with 2 table spoon honey and juice of a half lemon before you start.

Ø  Take salad, breads, eggs, fish and lots of vegetables in your lunch.

Ø  First eat breakfast, then Morning Snack, after that lunch, continue it with afternoon Snack and finish that with a dinner, your whole eating schedule should be like this. Add veggies like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Spinach, Cucumber, Cabbage, Celery, etc. to your main course which are low in carbohydrate.

Don’t afraid to eat more, just avoid outside junk foods and follow these simple but beneficial tips to reduce high triglycerides which is the main reason of weight gain and other diseases related to it. Be smart, control your weight and stay fit.