Monday 20 October 2014

Exercises to Lower Your Triglycerides Level

The higher level of triglycerides results you in overweight and different type of life taking hazardous maladies. But by simply adding some simple and healthy changes to your daily life routine like balanced diet and regular exercise you can handle this situation very well. Consume low-calorie foods and spend a minimum of 1 hour everyday for exercise. Varieties of exercises can help you to achieve the goal of rapid weight loss. Let’s know some very effective types of exercises and their timings to execute to reduce triglyceride level in your blood.

TGS Formula   

    1. “Early to Bed and Early to Rise, Makes a Man Healthy and Wise” It should be your first mantra before starting up your exercise session. Research says, late night sleeping is one of the primary reasons of gaining unwanted weight.

     2.  At first, don’t go for hard exercises from your first day. There is absolutely no need for it. Start with some simple cardio exercises. You can buy some easy cardio training DVDs from market to train yourself or join up a regular cardio class in your nearest gym.

     3. Do exercise 1 hour before you eat. It will prevent the triglyceride spikes to materialize after your meal.

Triglycerides Exercise


     4. As we altogether know, Running is the single exercise in which almost every portion of your body participates during performing it. It also burns more calories than all other exercises. So, a morning run or walk is very good to burn more calories.

    5. Spend some time in playing some outdoor games like basketball, tennis, bicycling, kickboxing, soccer, swimming, etc. They are great for burning calories and to increase the metabolism rate at your body.

    6. Hiking and mount climbing are also good options. If it is possible go for it in every week or at least two times in a month.

Exercise is not a thing to do once or twice in a week. For a better result, you have to be sincere and perform it every day like your daily routine. So that, it can burn your bad calories rapidly and lower your triglycerides level for a healthy and fit body.

To know more about triglycerides, its effects and ways to control it, visit our website today.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Special Dietary Plan to Lose Weight Effectively

Gaining weight is not a hard task for everyone, but loosing that is the most difficult part. Overweight comes with serious diseases like different Heart illness and Stroke, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Osteoarthritis, Cancer, Ulcers, Gallstones etc.. It ruins your health, smartness, quickness and shortens your life. Kill your hunger, take medicines, do exercise, there are several ways available to lose weight, but controlling your diet is the most effective one. Here are the top dietary rules which you have to bear during your hard time of weight loss.

Ø  Take sugar and starches as less as you can in your food. They stimulate the secretion of insulin which is the main reason of fat storage in your body.

Ø  Avoid alcohol and smoking. It increases uric acid level and leads your body to less water retention.

Ø  Drink 10-15 glass water every day. It will boost your metabolism and remove the unwanted cholesterol. 

Ø  Don’t eat dairy products like cheese, butter, cream, yoghurt etc. much.

Ø  Eat less and sleep more. Research says that less sleep and late night sleep results in weight gain.

Ø  Start your day with something rich in protein and less in fat like a bowl of oat with lots of green veggies and a glass of fresh orange or pineapple juice.

Ø  If you are doing exercise then take 1 glass of water with 2 table spoon honey and juice of a half lemon before you start.

Ø  Take salad, breads, eggs, fish and lots of vegetables in your lunch.

Ø  First eat breakfast, then Morning Snack, after that lunch, continue it with afternoon Snack and finish that with a dinner, your whole eating schedule should be like this. Add veggies like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Spinach, Cucumber, Cabbage, Celery, etc. to your main course which are low in carbohydrate.

Don’t afraid to eat more, just avoid outside junk foods and follow these simple but beneficial tips to reduce high triglycerides which is the main reason of weight gain and other diseases related to it. Be smart, control your weight and stay fit. 

Thursday 28 August 2014

How to Bring Your Triglycerides down Naturally?

High triglycerides level in blood leads to various risks associated with health, including diabetes, obesity and heart disease among others. If you are diagnosed with high triglycerides, it is important that you take action right away. 

High Triglycerides

There are several things you can do to lower your triglyceride levels and improve your health. Below are some tips and advices on how tobring your triglycerides down naturally.
Tips and guidelines:
  • Lose weight
There is a clear connection between obesity and high triglycerides. If you are overweight (200 Lb.), then make sure you lose 30 to 40 pounds of your body weight. Exercising for at least 30 minutes every day -not vigorous, but a moderate-intensity -will be of great help here.

High Triglycerides
  • Maintain a low-sugar diet
It is very important that you reduce the amount of sugar in your diet as it is areal cause of high triglycerides level in blood. So make sure you avoid foods like doughnuts, cakes, cookies, ice cream, cream–based sauces, dairy products, and replace those with foods that are marked as "low-sugar".

High triglycerides
  • Take triglyceride-lowering supplement
If your triglycerides are high, a triglyceride-lowering dietary supplement like ‘TGs Formula II’ could be of great help here. It is an advanced naturopathic formula designed to reduce triglycerides level naturally.